1. DP INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATE: A DP Certificate is required to become a DP instructor. New DP instructors require a DP Unlimited Certificate but are not required to revalidate.
2. MINIMUM EXPERIENCE: DP instructors must have a minimum of 365 sea time days on board a DP vessel as a certified DPO or equivalent as determined by The Nautical Institute (the NI) before becoming a DP instructor. 150 of the 365 sea time days must be completed within the last five years.
Equivalence matrix for DP instructors
The following table outlines the equivalent requirements to become a DP instructor.
Sea time 365 sea time days on board a DP vessel
All instructors must hold an acceptable teaching certificate; the teaching certificate or qualification does not need to be the one that takes from one to two years to be completed. Rather, there are several courses in the market that deliver teaching courses within a few weeks. These courses shall focus on teaching methodology and assessment.
The train the trainer of IMO 6.09 or IMO 6.10 can be accepted by the NI as a teaching certificate.